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Customer Center : 1588-4110 (09:00 ~ 18:00)

Loan Services

Loan for Livelihood

  • Livelihood Funds Loan : Over 1 yr school personnel’s working period
  • Happiness Loan
    Guide for types of Happiness Loan
    Classification Type
    Newlywed Loan
    • Engaged or married Teachers
      • 6 months before and 2 years after marriage
    Clerical Personnel
    • Teachers within 3 years of childbirth
      • Within 3 years of adoption for adopted children
    Childcare loan for
    more than 3 children
    • Teachers within 3 years of childbirth
    Assurance (disability) Loan
    • Teachers with or caring for persons with disabilities
      • Person with disability : Self, spouse, children, direct family (self, spouse)
      • ※ Direct family : Support for more than 6 months
    Single-Parent Family Loan
    • Single-mother or single-father families
    Elderly Support Loan
    • When the teachers themselves or their spouses support elderly direct family members for more than 6 consecutive months
      (Born before 1956.1.1)
    Maternal Leave Loan
    • Teachers taking a maternal leave due to pregnancy or childcare
    Sick Leave Loan
    • Teachers taking a sick leave due to disease
    Multicultural Family Loan
    • Teachers with multicultural family
      • A family living in Korea consisting of Korean father/mother and a foreign mother/father
    Marriage of Offspring Loan
    • Teachers with marrying children
      • 6 months before and after children’s marriage
  • Livelihood Funds Loan : Within 1/2 of the retirement benefit (retirement allowance included) up to KRW 60 million
  • Happiness Loan : Within 1/2 of the retirement benefit (retirement allowance included) up to KRW 30 million

Flexible quarterly rate

Loan for school Expenses


Self and your children enter or study at a university (except postgraduate university)

  • Domestic Univ. Within actual tuition fee
  • Overseas Univ. Within USD $10,000. Per year


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