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Pension Dictionary

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Base Monthly Income
It refers to the 12-month averaged amount of the total annual amount of the income less non-taxable income that school staff earned from being employed by schools and management institutions for a certain period of time. ※ - Base Monthly Income = (Earned Income - Non-taxable Income) / 12 - It is the basis of contribution and benefit calculation.
Base Monthly Salary
The average monthly salaries of teachers are the monthly salaries calculated in accordance with the provisions in the Regulations for Public Official`s Remuneration which are applied to the educational public officials depending on the position and eligibility of the relevant teachers. The average monthly salaries of the clerical staff refer to the monthly salaries calculated in accordance with the provisions in the Regulations for Public Official`s Remuneration which are applied to the general public officials and technical public officials depending on the ratings and service duration of the relevant clerical staff.
Benefit for the House Damaged by Disasters Benefit
It refers to the benefit that is required for the expenses paid if school staff`s property was damaged due to disaster such as fire and flood and if school staff or their spouses or direct ancestors died. ※ Benefit for the House Damaged by Disasters, Death Condolence Allowance
Benefit for the House Damaged by Disasters
It refers to the benefit that is paid in 13/10 of the average base monthly income of the entire public officials if the houses owned by school staff and their spouses and the houses owned by the direct ancestors or descendants of school staff or their spouses where the school staff always reside in were carried away, lost or damaged due to the natural or artificial disasters such as fire, flood, heavy snow, tidal waves and so on.
Beneficiary of Survivor`s Pension
It refers to the school staff`s survivors when the school staff with the employment period of more than ten years died and the survivors want a pension, or that is paid to the survivors when the pensioners of retirement annuity, early retirement annuity and disability pension died.
Basis of Benefit Calculation
The benefit is calculated based on the base monthly income of the month to which the date (the previous day of retirement if the reason for benefit occurred from retirement or the reason for benefit occurred after retirement) when the reason for benefit occurred belongs.
Benefit Council
It refers to the review council which is installed to be circumspect in determining the benefit related to the official disaster compensation, and is composed of more than five and within seven public officials, school staff and the persons engaged in medical and legal affairs.
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