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Pension Dictionary

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Inclusion of Service Period before Appointment
The active service period that the servicemen and the noncommissioned appointed not voluntarily can be included in the employment period at the request of school staff.
Interest Rate for Arrears
If the persons responsible for repayment delay the regular repayment or immediate repayment, the double interest rate of the relevant loan interest rate and the low interest rate of the commercial banks` interest rate for arrears (highest interest rate) are applied.
Institution for Compulsory Participation
It is the institution for compulsory (mandatory) participation of the Pension Act, and refers to the private schools and the school management institutions that install and manage the private schools, and the private schools and school management institutions among the special schools in the Article, 2 Subparagraph 5 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Institution Number
It refers to the unique number granted by the Foundation to the institutions (foundations, schools, etc.) to increase the efficiency of pension business for the school institutions and foundations
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