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휴직 (Leave of Absence)
교직원 신분과 자격을 유지하면서 일정 기간 쉬는 것을 말하며, 일반휴직, 입대휴직, 병가휴직 및 육아휴직 등이 있음.
It refers to having a rest for a certain period of time while maintaining the school staff`s status and qualification, and it can include general leave of absence, leave for military service, sick leave and parental leave and so on.
호봉 재획정 (Redefinition of Pay Grade)
교직원이 재직중 새로운 경력을 합산할 사유(자격, 학력변동 포함)와 승급 제한기간을 산입하는 경우 또는 호봉 재획정 방법이 변경되는 경우에 호봉을 재획정함을 말함.
It refers to the redefinition of pay grade if school staff include the reasons for combined calculation (inc. eligibility and change of academic ability) and the restriction period of salary raise, or the method of redefining the pay grade is changed.
해임 (Dismissal)
징계처분의 한가지로 파면 다음으로 무거운 징계이며, 교직원 신분은 박탈됨.
It is one of the disciplinary actions, and is the severe disciplinary punishment next to expulsion. The school staff`s status is deprived.
해외대학 국고학자금대여 (Loan for Foreign University Expenses)
해외의 정규대학 과정에 재(입)학중인 교직원의 자녀에게 연간 10,000$ 이내로 국내대학의 대여조건과 동일하게 대여하는 경우를 말함.
It refers to the loan for the school staff`s children who are in attendance at the regular foreign university courses to the extent of U$10,000.00 per year under the same conditions with those for the domestic universities.
합산반납금 (Repayment by Combined Calculation)
재직기간 합산을 위해 퇴직당시에 수령한 퇴직 급여액에 일정율의 이자를 가산하여 반납하는 금액을 말함. 반납 대상 급여는 퇴직일시금. 퇴직연금일시금 및 퇴직연금공제일시금이며, 퇴직(퇴역)연금 및 퇴직수당은 반납 대상이 아님.
It refers to the amount to be returned by adding a certain rate of interest to the retirement benefit received at the time of retirement for combined total employment period. The benefits of return are lump sum allowance for retirement, lump sum allowance for retirement annuity and lump sum allowance for retirement annuity after deduction. The retirement annuity and military retirement annuity are not the objects of return.
학보제대자 (College Registered Dischargee)
학적보유 현역병 제도에 의거 대다수가 1년 6월 재영후 귀휴한 자를 말함. ※ 귀휴기간 6월 소지자(1956 ~ 1962년 사이에 시행)
It refers to those who were released after active military service for one and half years based on the college registered active servicemen system. ※ Holders of 6 months` period of release (enforced between 1956 and 1962)
학력변동 (Change of Academic Ability)
교원이 재직중 학력이 변동된 경우를 말함.
It refers to the case when the academic ability of teachers was changed while in office.
학도의용군 (Student Volunteer Army)
6.25 한국전쟁 발발후 구국비상학도대 설치일(1950년 6월 29일)부터 해제일(1951년 2월 28일)까지의 종군기간에 복무한 자를 말함.
It refers to those who served in the period of war from the installation date of the Save-the- Nation Emergency Students` Corps (June 29, 1950) until the relieved date (February 28, 1951).
학교경영기관 (School Management Institution)
당연적용기관 및 임의적용기관의 사립학교를 설치ㆍ경영하는 학교법인 또는 사립학교 경영자를 말함.
It refers to the school foundations or private school executives that installs and manages the private school of the institution for compulsory participation and the institution for optional participation
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