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동일법인(An Affiliated School Foundation) (Affiliated School Foundation)
동일한 학교법인에 여러 학교기관이 설치되어 있는 경우의 소속 법인을 지칭함. Several schools established by a school foundation are called an affiliated school foundation.
It refers to the affiliated foundations in which several school institutions are installed to the same school foundation. Several schools established by a school foundation are called an affiliated school foundation.
대여연체금리 (Interest Rate for Arrears)
대여상환 의무자가 정기상환 또는 즉시상환을 지체한 때에는 지체한 금액에 대하여 해당 대여 이자율의 2배와 시중은행이 적용하는 대출 연체이율(가장 높은 금리)중 낮은 금리를 적용함.
If the persons responsible for repayment delay the regular repayment or immediate repayment, the double interest rate of the relevant loan interest rate and the low interest rate of the commercial banks` interest rate for arrears (highest interest rate) are applied.
대여상환기간 (Loan Repayment Period)
생활자금은 대여금액별 정규상환기간 이내에서 상환기간을 선택하거나 1~3년 범위내에서 거치상환이 가능하며, 국고학자금의 경우는 졸업 익월부터 2년 거치 4년(수업연한 4년 이상) 또는 3년(수업 연한 3년 미만)간 원금균등분할 상환함.
The repayment period for the living expenses can be selected within the regular repayment period by the lent amount or can be repaid after a grace period within 1~3 years. In case of the loan for school expenses of national treasury, it can be repaid for four years after two-year grace period (learning period for more than four years) or by equal repayment of the principal for three years (learning period for less than three years) from the next month of graduation.
대리인 (Proxy)
대리권을 가지고 본인을 대신하여 의사표시를 하거나, 의사표시를 받을 권한이 있는 사람을 말함.
It refers to the person with the power of attorney who is entitled to declare the intention or to receive the declaration of intention on behalf of another person.
당연적용기관 (Institution for Compulsory Participation)
연금법의 당연(의무)적용기관으로서, 사립학교법 제3조에 규정된 사립학교 및 초. 중등교육법 제2조 5호의 특수학교 중 사립학교와 이를 설치ㆍ경영하는 학교경영기관을 말함.
It is the institution for compulsory (mandatory) participation of the Pension Act, and refers to the private schools and the school management institutions that install and manage the private schools, and the private schools and school management institutions among the special schools in the Article, 2 Subparagraph 5 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
단기급여 (Short-term Benefit)
교직원이 재직중에 직무로 질병ㆍ부상을 당하거나 화재ㆍ홍수 등으로 주택에 재해를 입었을 때 또는 배우자나 직계존속이 사망했을 때 지급되는 급여 ※ 직무상 요양비, 직무상 요양 일시금, 재해부조금, 사망조위금
It refers to the benefit that is paid when school staff suffer from disease or were injured, when houses were damaged due to the natural disasters like fire and flood or when their spouses or direct ancestors died. ※ Official medical expenses, Official medical lump-sum allowance, Benefit for the home damaged by disasters, Death condolence allowance.
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